Golden Retriever breed’s original purpose was to become an ultimate hunting dog. It’s excellent obedience, energetic nature and physical capabilities were indispensable during hunting sessions in Scotland Highlands. Used to retrieve game running through wet terrain and underbrush the canine ...
We all know that Golden Retriever is extremely popular in the US. But we also know that every dog is unique in its own way. So which dog has an appropriate outlook and which hasn’t and how the proper Golden ...
People are often confused or surprised by having seen a black or dark Golden Retriever. One can’t help but wonder whether they’re pure breed or mixed. There’s a big chance that what you may have seen was simply a mixed ...
Did you ever consider adopting a Golden Retriever puppy from a puppy rescue? It may be an excellent opportunity to adopt a great pup for your family and help another poor creature in need of care. So if you are ...
Many owners ask themselves: How should I groom my Golden Retriever properly? Proper Golden Retriever grooming is essential for keeping your dog’s skin health and coat good-looking. It is important because Goldens have double coat to help them withstand any ...
Golden Retriever and Labrador are both extremely popular breeds in the US and all over the world. So there is no wonder that people started crossing these two breeds to get an offspring with traits of both. As the result ...
How much does a Golden Retriever cost? Or maybe the more accurate question is: How much does it cost to own a Golden Retriever? Unfortunately, there is no straight answer to this question. As in many other cases you get ...
It is important to establish proper house training while your dog is still young, as it will make life much easier for both you and your dog. Avoid any potty training issues down the track, as it can be extremely ...
Teaching your dog to come up to you when he is called is a very important lesson that needs to be taught as this gives you control over your dog. You must remember that it may take a couple of ...
Teaching your dog the lie down on command is more difficult than any of the other commands. But patience and practice can make you perfect. First you must get your dog into the sitting position. Once he has done this ...
One of your first and easiest training techniques will be teaching your dog to sit on command. To do this, you must first, find a quiet area of the house away from distractions. Next, you must make sure that you ...
Once you have trained your dog to sit, you can then move-on to teaching him to stay. Stand in front of your dog and command him to sit. Once he has sat, command him to stay. You can raise your ...