Pet Health Insurance What if you were faced with unexpected medical care for your pet? Would you have the money to provide that care and maybe save your pets life? Major medical care for pets can cost in the thousands, ...
Links to the coolest pet gifts to let your best friend know how much you appreciate him. He never complains, and is always happy to see you so why not splurge on some gifts for your best friend? We’ve got ...
Litter box training for dogs is no harder than training them to go outside and can alleviate much of the stress of owning a pet. Who doesn’t worry about leaving the dog inside all day while you are at work, ...
Your parakeet can live just as long as your other pets! With proper nutrition and veterinary care, the parakeet life span can exceed 15 years with reports of the oldest parakeet being 20 years old! Just like any other pet, ...
Ear mites are tiny crab like parasites that multiply in your cats ear and can cause infection and in extreme cases ruptured ear drums and even deafness. Diagnosing ear mites can sometimes be tricky as some cats are not bothered ...
When you own a dog, you probably feel more like you have a child instead of a pet. In fact, dog owners get so attached to their pets they often treat them like kids. When it comes to choosing dog ...
There’s many ferret breeders that you can choose from to purchase your pet. You should chose a reputable breeder that has been in the business for a while. That way you can insure you are getting a quality ferret. Make ...
A ferret show can be a fun way to spend time with your pet and learn about proper health care and grooming techniques. Any pet is welcome to enter with no special pedigree required and showing your pet is easy. ...
If you have a large breed dog like a Great Dane, you need an extra large dog bed for him to be comfortable and safe in. Even if you prefer to have your dog on your bed with you, he ...
If you have a dog that has a bad track record when it comes to naughty habits, the use of an electronic dog training collar might do the trick. It lets the animal know their present action is wrong by ...
Looking for a gentle way to train your dog where scorning is replaced by patience? Clicker dog training just might be the answer. This clicker dog training method is unique in that your dog first attempts the correct reaction and ...
The Caveiler King Charles Spaniel Breed have long been popular pets of the English royal families and are an affectionate dog that is a bit on the larger side weighing 10 to 18 pounds. This breed are well behaved and ...