When you own a small dog, it is just as important to train them well as when you own a large dog. Many small dog owner think since their dog is not harmful to anyone, they don’t need to be ...
Cats don’t really listen to you so you may have never tried training, but cats can learn to change the way they behave. Although they might not want you to know it, cats are quite intelligent and can be responsive ...
Responsible pet ownership includes keeping your dog healthy. Dogs are our friends companions and often our guardians and they look to us to provide for their health and well being it is our responsibility to look after them properly. Here ...
It might seem silly to think about training your cat to meow properly, but having the right meow at the right time can help you and your cat communicate. One step to cat training is thinking about how your cat ...
Here’s some cat training tips to help you get the perfect pet. Even though they act aloof cats are quite smart and can be responsive to learned behavior. Taking some time to spend with your cat and bonding with him ...
One method of training is training your at with a clicker. Your cat might seem self involved but cats are quite intelligent and can be responsive to learned behavior. Thinking about how your cat might see things and develping a ...
Should you use a shock collar for small dogs? One should think long and hard before subjecting their dog, large or small to such methods of training. A shock collar, used a gentle electric shock to train your dog by ...
Aquarium Decorations can be the fun part of setting up your tank! You can choose almost any decor from underwater treasure scenes to oriental pagodas. You can buy plastic or ceramic pieces and, of course, the ones that attach to ...
Training a small dog can often be just as challenging as training a large dog. In fact, small dogs tend to be a little more stubborn and less likely to listen right away. When you are working with a small ...
Using proper methods for training your cat is important if you want to earn the trust of your cat and not just make him afraid of you. First things first, NEVER USE PHYSICAL PUNISHMENT on your cat or any animal. ...
A cat perch can add interest to the cat’s day especially for indoor cats that don’t get to go outside and romp in the woods. Cat’s love to perch in high places so these pieces of cat furniture can quickly ...
Keeping your dog healthy can reward you with a happy pet for life. Dogs make great best friends companions and and can act as guard dogs but since they are also totally dependent on us for their well-being we should ...