Cats chew on all kinds of things and they aren’t all edible. Chewing is done for medical and behavioral reasons and curious cats will try to chew almost anything. Here’s some things you can do to help break the habit ...
Dogs need to be healthy to get the most out of life. Dogs make great best friends companions and often our guardians but since they are also totally dependent on us for their well-being it is our responsibility to look ...
A dog in pain is a dog that needs your help and a trip to the vet, but would you know if your dog was suffering? Many dogs and other animals don’t readily show pain and may even try to hide it ...
Making sure your dog has the best care is part of pet ownership. Dogs make great best friends companions and and can act as guard dogs and since they depend on us for their care it is our responsibility to ...
The Afghan Hound is a sight hound dog breed with long silky coat. They are dignified and standoffish, and are very independent. They are not excessive barkers and best suited for larger yards. The Afghan hound can be dignified but ...
If you want to have a healthy thriving aquarium, you’ll need some good aquarium supplies. So what’s an Aquarist need? The most obvious is, of course, an aquarium or fish tank. They come in all shapes, sizes and materials. You can get ...
Arthritis in dogs can be as painful and limiting as the same disease in humans. If your dog is slowing down or seems to be stiff, he could be suffering from arthritis! These days there are pet medicines that you can ...
Just because your pup is a little rowdy doesn’t necessarily mean he or she is a bad dog. Maybe a little guidance is needed. Consider enrolling your pet in dog obedience school. Most of the time, there is hope for ...
Does your cat have little things she does that annoy the heck out of you? How about those cats that are too needy? Or those that rub their bottoms on the floor? While these might signal medical need, they may ...
One problem with male cats is that they are known to spray. This can create a problem in the house and cause friction between you and your cat. Luckily there are some things you can do to stop this behavior. ...
Feeding the right pet foods to your pet is vital to his health. You’ll want to make sure you feed him a balanced diet and a food that is appropriate for his age. Babies have different nutritional needs than adults and even ...