Our online guide to the best pet supplies will help you keep your pet healthy and happy. Here you will find not only the latest and greatest online deals for what your pet needs but also sound advice on how ...
Cats can be very territorial, but heres some tips on how to introduce them to each other so they can become lifelong friends. Your older cat is slowing down a bit and even though she still has some great years ...
Learning how to take care of a parakeet is important so that your pet will have a long and healthy life. It’s something you should research before you buy your bird so that you can be sure that parakeet ownership ...
You can learn how to crate train a puppy with the tips outlined in the article below. Crate training is necessary in order for your dog to start to learn obedience, become house trained and feel secure in his own ...
A common question asked by bird owners is – how do you clip a parakeets wing? This procedure can be done at home but we recommend that you take your bird to a vet or pet store and have them ...
Heartworm prevention can help save your pets life and should be a basic part of any pet care routine. Heartworms can effect both dogs and cats but is most commonly seen in dogs where it can drastically cut short the ...
Nobody likes and unruly dog that jumps on guests and won’t mind it’s owner. A dog that is not obedient is more apt to chew your personal items, soil in the house, jump on guests and just be a general ...
Cat houses can provide shelter and protection for your outdoor cats. Like dog houses, cat houses can come in many shapes and sizes. The most recognizable is a house shaped structure with 1 door as an opening. A cat house ...
Cat furniture can save wear and tear on your own furniture if you buy pieces that cats can use for scratching and playtime. You can buy cat condos or perches that include sisal scratching posts which your cats can use ...
Ferrets skin conditions can signal a mild condition or something very serious so it is important to have any lumps, bumps or changes in skin appearance checked out by a vet right away. Ferrets are subject to the same parasites ...
For any dog lover on your gift list, a dog charm or other type of dog jewelry can be a perfect gift. There’s plenty of type of pet related jewelry to choose from – anything from inexpensive rhinestones to top ...