Birds metabolize very quickly so it is critical to get your pet to a vet at the first signs of parakeet illness. Even something that seems mild can turn deadly very quickly. The most important thing, of course, is to ...
Is your cat hyperactive? You walk in your home after being gone for a short time, or all day from work and your cat has taken over the house. The drapes are hanging not where they should be, a cup ...
For anyone with a dog, flea treatment and control can be an ongoing battle. Almost all dogs have them, some worse than others. Many people provide treatment for the adult fleas, but don’t realize that the flea eggs are laying around waiting ...
You can have an aquarium ocean right in your own living room and it’s not as hard as you think! You can have a tank filled with colorful and unusual creatures including living rock, sea anemones, clown fish and even ...
When it comes to training your dog, you have several options. While a well trained dog is one of the best treasures, you will be even happier if you can get away with training your dog yourself. Take a look ...
Grooming your cat is an important part of pet ownership and can be a great way to bond with your cat. Grooming should be done every day and will not only cut down on cat hair around the house but ...
Could you train your cat to walk on a leash? Leash training, like any other training, a cat will require the proper tools, research, patience and good reinforcement. Cats are intelligent and sensitive which you will never want to use ...
A good dog dental care product is essential to your pets health. Although it may seem eccentric to brush your dogs teeth and provide him with the necessary (and expensive) veterinary dental care it is actually quite important. Without proper ...
It may seem like cats are untrainable, but cats can learn to modify their behavior. Although they might not want you to know it, cats are quite intelligent and can be responsive to learned behavior. Taking some time to spend ...
Start your kitten training early with these tips and you’ll have a great companion for life. Contrary to what most people may say, cats are quite smart and can learn proper behavior. Thinking about how your cat might see things ...
Can you train a cat to do tricks? Teaching tricks to your cat and depending on the trick, the task can be easy one. Jumping in a hoop, or over a stick, sitting, or meowing, are all good tricks to ...
The Cocker Spaniel is a sporting breed with medium build and long coat. They are considered to be great house pets and while most are happy and gentle, some can be snappish.. They are not overly yappy and require moderate ...